STORNIERT ****Einfach interkulturell - Großbritannien am 17.10.2019

FORTSCHRITT, Gitschiner Str. 92, 10969 Berlin
(Google Maps)
Anmeldeschluss: 14.10.2019
Abmeldeschluss: 15.10.2019


Aufgrund geringer Teilnehmerzahl wird der Termin verschoben. Neuer Termin wird über Vereinonline + dem Newsletter bekannt gegeben. 


\"I understand only train station\" - So close and still so different!
*** Event in English ***
In this wonderful event we will get to learn, see and experience how the British actually differ from us Germans.
What is all this small talk about and is an honest answer to the question \"How are you?\" actually requested? How polite do you actually have to be when talking to a \"Brit\" and how does the politeness go hand in hand with the British party animal we know so well?
It is questions like this you get to ask and you can expect answers to.
I am sure we will not find an answer to Brexit, nor will this appointment help to understand what Brexit will result in.
But we are very sure, this will be a fun and exciting event to understand the minds of the British a bit better.
17.10.2019 18:00Uhr
FORTSCHRITT, Gitschiner Straße 92, 10969 Berlin
