IHK Seminarraum 4 A 02
(Google Maps)
17:30 - 20:00
Anmeldeschluss: 12.10.2020
Abmeldeschluss: 12.10.2020

At 4 870 km from Germany you can meking good business and having real fun at the same time!

This workshop will target how to successful doing business in the central part of Sub-Saharan Africa with the focus on Cameroon. 
With a growing middle class, with improved framework conditions for foreign investors, the African continent has booming in the global economy over the past decade, and is still growing. 

Both coaches are young Cameroonian who are runing businesses in Germany, And this workshop might be for you an exiting exotic mix of business as well as a cultural trip through Central Africa with a stop in Cameroon to give you a tangible idea of how to succeed in business in this one particular part of the sub-Saharan Africa. 

We are looking forward to offer you an accurate understanding of the "CAMER" way of life from the business view point.  

The trainers:

Alexander Sipua Ngnoubamdjum                            Diane Brahms

Chairman of Sipau Consulting                                 Brahms Consulting

 https://www.sipua-consulting.com/                        https://brahms-consulting.com/

 *** Please, kindly note that this workshop will be held in english, but still one coach will speak German if need be***


ACHTUNG - Bitte beachten!

Stellt sicher, dass ihr bei Teilnahme an einer Präsenzveranstaltung die letzten 14 Tage…

-       symptomfrei (Erkältungs-/Grippesymptome) seid

-       keinen Kontakt zu mit Covid-19 infizierten Personen hattet 

-       euch nicht in einem Risikogebiet (hinfällig bei weltweiter Reisewarnung) aufgehalten habt




